Corona Kids' School Work


1st Grade

Week 6: April 27- May 1

April 27


Write the words in columns 5 and 6 from your 1st Grade SIGHT WORDS

April 28


Have your child write each of the sight words from 1st Grade SIGHT WORDS column 5 in a sentence

April 29


Have your child write each of the sight words from 1st Grade SIGHT WORDS column 6 in a sentence.

April 30


Create a sentence using 20 of the 1st Grade SIGHT WORDS from column 5 and 6.  Have your child fill in the blank with the sight word.

May 1

3rd Grade

Week 5: May 4 – May 8

May 4

May 5

May 6

May 7

May 8


Other Activities While Confined to Your Home/Neighborhood

87 Indoor Activities

ABC Exercise Cards

Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Covid-19 Time Capsule

Past Corona Kids’ School Work

If you need to see assignments from Week One Click Here

If you need to see assignments from Week Two Click Here

If you need to see assignments from Week 3 Click Here

If you need to see assignments from Week 4 Click Here

If you need to see assignments from Week 5 Click Here

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