12 Truths to Believe About Yourself Today

Sometimes others can say things better than we can say them ourselves. Please join me in welcoming Julie Lefebure to the blog today.


Recently a local radio station played a game on the air called “Three Truths and a Lie.” The contestants of this game were to call in and guess which of the four statement about about a certain artist was the lie. Three were truths, and one was not.

It was quite interesting. I wanted to play along. After a couple of wrong guesses, one person called in with the correct answer, revealing the lie. She won the prize given away that day. Through this game over the air waves I learned something about the artist and, strangely, also something about myself.

I can daily play a similar game of truths and lies.

Some days I do well at believing and functioning through God’s truths about who I am. Other days, however, I find myself paying attention to the lies the enemy of my soul subtly whispers in my ears. If the lies come often enough and are loud enough, sadly, I can begin to believe them. And, you know? He whispers the most damaging ones at the worst possible times to try to discourage, defeat, and destroy me.

Here are some recently…

  • You’re a fake.
  • You can’t do anything right.
  • It’s no wonder you’ve messed up so much. That’s who you are. A mess.
  • You will never be enough.
  • You’re a terrible wife, mother, friend, person.

And, maybe the worst one of all…

  • You don’t deserve God’s grace and mercy.

I have a choice each day... to listen to the lies or believe the truths.

I can either listen to the lies this enemy whispers, or I can stand on the truths of God about who I am. Likewise, you have the same choice, friend. I’m guessing you hear the whispers–the lies–too. The ones you hear, however, might be completely different from mine. But, no matter, they come at some of the most vulnerable times, don’t they?

We may hear the lies, but we don’t have to listen to them.

We have a choice. Let’s listen to the truths instead. Let’s focus on how God sees us instead of on what the enemy tells us.

12 truths to believe about yourself

12 Truths To Believe About Yourself Today

  1. You matter. Genesis 1:26a, Zephaniah 3:17
  2. You are worthy. Matthew 10:29-31
  3. You are chosen. Ephesians 1:4, 1 Thessalonians 1:4
  4. You are wonderfully made. Psalm 139:13-14
  5. You are beautiful. Song of Songs 4:7, 1 Peter 3:3-4
  6. You are never alone. Joshua 1:9, Matthew 28:20b
  7. You are loved. Romans 8:38-39, 1 John 4:16
  8. You are forgiven. Psalm 103:12, John 1:9
  9. You are redeemed. Colossians 1:13-14, 1 John 4:4
  10. You are victorious. 1 Corinthians 15:57, 1 John 5:4
  11. You are cherished. Deuteronomy 7:6
  12. You are set apart. Jeremiah 1:5, Romans 12:2

So, which of these truths resonate with you the most? Which are you taking to heart and believing today? Do you have a certain verse you cling to for daily life? Feel free to share below.

Truths or lies. Which ones will we believe?

You know? The more we focus on the truths of God, the less we’ll believe the lies of the enemy. And, consequently, the lies will stand out and we’ll be able to discern the ones in which we refuse to listen. Just like in the radio station game.

Believing the truths with you, friend!

Much love,



This post was adapted from an original post on julielefebure.com.

Julie Lefebure

Julie is a simple Iowa gal who finds joy in a good cup of coffee, and sunrises and sunsets.  She is passionate about encouraging others through writing and speaking, and is the founder of Bring Your Own Bible and Beverage.

Married to Bill for 26 years, they’ve raised two children who have grown into caring young adults. Julie and Bill are often found on their tandem bicycle, and have a goal to bike in each of the 50 states.

Julie writes at julielefebure.com, and if you’d like to connect with her, she can be found on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest.


What are some truths that you use to combat lies that try to creep into your life?

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8 thoughts on “12 Truths to Believe About Yourself Today

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  1. ‘You are victorious’ is the one that stood out to me. It’s easy to allow obstacles to defeat me, but I don’t do life from a position of defeat; I do life from a place of victory – God’s victory on the cross, from the grave, and out of the tomb. Great post! We all need to be reminded of who we really are in Christ! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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