How to Avoid Burnout – Learn to Rest NOT Quit

You are ready to quit.  You are ready to give up on all of it.  You are tired, and you feel as though you have been tired for a LONG, LONG, time.  You are not even overwhelmed anymore.  You no longer care enough to be overwhelmed.  You are just plain done.

You prayed, and you waited.  Then you prayed, and you waited some more.  Then you prayed, and you waited some more.  At this point, you are over it.  You are staring burnout in the face, and you are doing your best to avoid it.

if you get tired, learn to rest - not quit. #howtoavoidburnout #avoidburnout #burnout #rest #relaxation

Your job is more than you can handle.  Your children are more than you can handle.  Your marriage is more than you can handle.  Your purpose is more than you can handle.

And here I am telling you to rest, as if you did not try resting, as though the thought never occurred to you.

I am right there with you.  My body is tired.  My spirit is tired, and the only reason I am putting fingers to keyboard is because just when I was done, God whispered (or maybe He shouted), “Don’t quit!”

…”Whatever you do, don’t quit Brittany…rest.”

So I am here because I am learning how to avoid burnout.  I am here to share what happens after you decide not to quit.  I am here because I am learning that rest is more than just eight hours of sleep at night.

How to Avoid Burnout 1
Rest Your Body

While rest is more than eight hours of sleep at night, eight hours of sleep is a good starting point.  Recently, I found the bedtime option on my phone.  I set what time I want to wake up each day and how many hours of sleep I ideally want to get.  Last week I averaged 5 hours and 56 minutes of sleep.  (That average is only as high as it is because on weekends, I get to “sleep in.”)  How can I successfully avoid burnout on less than six hours of sleep?  My body needs rest.  Your body needs rest.  It will eventually shut down on you without it.  You cannot continue to go when your body says no.

How to Avoid Burnout 2
Rest in Your Purpose

You have found your purpose.  You are in the zone.  You are walking in your purpose.  Stay there.  The devil would like nothing better than for you to tap out.  He wants you to give up.  DO NOT QUIT.

Find rest in your purpose. The devil wants you to quit. DO NOT QUIT. Keep walking. #burnout #howtoavoidburnout #stressedout #stress #stressrelief
God will send in reinforcement.

This weekend, I almost quit my purpose before I could walk in it.  I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, and I almost admitted defeat.  Then I heard my favorite movie line whispered in my ear, “Just wake up in the morning.  I’ll take it from there.”  So I woke up the next day, and I put on a show which I felt paled in comparison to the others around me putting on that same show.  I could not read the critics so I just had to wait on the ratings and reviews.  In tears, I told my sister the final results.  The reviewer, the woman with the face which showed no emotion for the entire performance, smiled at me.  She said, “If I had a child, I would want them to have your class.”

God applauded from heaven.  He gave me that look that said I told you so.

Then He sent in Steven Furtick on Wednesday, with his sermon on Joseph and his coat of many colors.  He reminded me that every single time God called Joseph to do something, and the situation was looking more than a little dim, that “the Lord was with Joseph.

The Lord is with you when He calls you.  He is there right in the middle of your purpose.  He simply needs you to keep walking.

How to Avoid Burnout 3
Rest Your Soul

So you did the first two and you are still tired.  You still want to quit.  You still want to throw in the towel.  You know that burnout is inevitable if something does not change so you are about to make some major changes.  You clearly heard, “don’t quit” but you “don’t care.”  Here is where you need more Mary and less Martha.

I can feel your eyes rolling.  I gave God that same eye roll.  Mary does not pay the bills.  Mary does not clean the house.  Mary does not make sure things get done.  Someone has to get things done.  And Mary is not going to make the cut.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.   Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30

As much as you and I are sick of hearing about Mary, she knew exactly where to go to avoid burnout.  She went right to the feet of Jesus.

As I was reading my devotion this morning, giving God the usual look of aggravation after having to sit through yet another reminder to be “more like Mary,” I realized something.  The world does not need you to be Mary OR Martha.  The world need you to be Mary AND Martha.


Sometimes you need to get more sleep.  Sometimes you need to keep going.  And sometimes you need to rest your soul.  No matter what type of rest you need to avoid burnout, remember someone is depending on you to find it.

Someone is depending on you to find rest! #howtoavoidburnout #stressedout #overwhelmed #motherhood #momlife #inspiration

Someone needs you to figure out how to avoid burnout.  Someone’s life depends on it.  I know that does not make things easier.  I am not here to make things easier.  I am here to tell you “it” is worth it.

You want to give up because you have decided “it” is no longer attainable.  You can no longer do “it.”  “It” is never going to happen.  You are wrong.

You are not broken.  You are just tired.

And when you are tired, you do not quit.  You rest.


What are some things you do to avoid burnout?

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60 thoughts on “How to Avoid Burnout – Learn to Rest NOT Quit

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  1. Britt I read this right on time this morning. I was checking my emails and saw your email a d said I’ll just read it later but, something told me to read it NOW! I truly believe it was God knowung just what I needed. The burnout is real and on this off day where I feel like I need to tackle on the world I am gonna rest, because if I go on Inmight just give up. I love this post, thank you so much for this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG!!! This makes me so excited. I literally did not feel like writing this when I started. I asked God, “What is the point?” I am so glad it resonated with you because I know I need rest as much as anyone else. Thank you so much for taking time to share, and I hope you got some rest today.


  2. Let me take a look at my iMessages…yes, at 4:12 pm, I texted my friend that I felt like if I took a rest that I would end up ‘resting’ forever’ because I’m so tired I just want to quit. I’m so tired I can’t think but when I lay down to sleep my brain won’t stop buzzing. I’m exhausted. But then at 5:30, I open up my email to see “learn to rest, not quit”. Thank you for being God’s voice in my ear to not give up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am literally overwhelmed at your responses. I thank God that He has used me to deliver this message. I was on the verge of giving up on myself, and He asked me to write so I wrote. Thank you for reminding me that God really can use anyone.


  3. One thing I do is read your writing. It always hits me in the feels. I’m writing this with blurry eyes. I needed what you wrote. As I always do. Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I was writing with blurry eyes. My students were testing, and I was trying not to cry at the computer as I typed utterly exhausted with a full day still ahead of me. Thank you so much for always having something positive to say. I truly appreciate your support. I know it sounds like the “right” thing to say, but it means the world to me. Really.


  4. Great post. Much needed this week because I do, indeed, want to quit – many things: writing, photography, trying to be friends with people who used to be my friends but don’t talk to me anymore. I want to quit trying to figure out what my “purpose” is. Do I even have one? I guess to be a mom and I like that one so I’ll take it, but it scares me because what if I ruin them? Oh gosh, I should probably write my own blog post and stop rambling on your blog 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. But your photos are absolutely stunning! You cannot give up on those or WRITING! Who is going to say all of the things I feel but never say if that happens? And where will I go to see all of the beauty of your daughter and nature? Nope. You must keep going. Take a deep breath. Rest. Do a guest blog (LOL). And then get back up and keep going.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!! Girl you are speaking right to me here. I have been so overwhelmed with things lately and wanted to just quit somethings. But you have reminded me that resting and seeking God before proceeding is not quitting. It is necessary.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you. I am going through tough times and and was nice to hear from you that I am not alone. I appreciate Bible verses that you used.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Probably not a coincidence that I read this on the day that my website is having major problems, I don’t know how to fix them, and apparently my hosting site doesn’t either. I wonder at times like this if I am just in over my head, and should call it quits. But I know that Satan would love that, so I muddle on. It’s generally been a rough month anyway, and I just returned from a restful visit with my sister. We can’t permanently live on vacation, so we recognize it for what it is, and rest. Thanks for a thoughtful and needed post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, oh my gosh, when things go crazy is when I feel the most tempted to throw it all away. That is not God’s intentions, and I have to be so prayerful in those moments. Hope you figure out everything with your site. Computer stuff is always frustrating for me. I was trying to figure out google analytics the other day. Decided to let it “rest” until next week.


  8. All the messages I’ve heard and read about Mary and Martha, I don’t think I’ve ever heard once a it that way, that we should be Mary and Martha. But it’s so true! We just need to find the balance that God intends for us, in the plan and purpose that He has for us personally!
    And, since you asked, I’ve found that the best way to avoid burnout is to be quiet in the presence of God. Consistently. This brings the joy of the Lord, which. is. my. strength. ❤
    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I am reading this after a week of rest.. I’ve come back renewed and ready to go again! You are right: rest is what we need, not quitting.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wrote it right before I was going into spring break. It was like God giving me a little glimpse into what I needed. He just needed me to hold on just a little longer. Rest was on the way, and it was just what I needed. You know exactly how I feel.


  10. Yes, someone is depending on me to find rest! This has been a hard thing for me to accept. Being pregnant with number 6 has made rest an absolute necessity and I’ve often felt like I was quitting by succumbing to my need to rest. Thank you for this reminder that it’s a must!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. It’s like this message was meant for me today! Just last night I was contemplating taking too long of a break or quitting all together.. I signed up for more than I was ready for.

    I don’t think God is calling me to quit
    I’m trying to figure out how to rest.

    I was thinking too that God is not calling me to live into exhaustion or missing out on the other parts of life he is calling me to (self- care, giving the kids enough quality time, etc). But that required me to have a lot more faith in the purpose (the foster care ministry) I believe I am called to… the burden doesn’t feel light.

    It’s so hard to let go when there’s so much to do!!! I’m trying to start with not letting my days go late into the night anymore. I think I need some Divine Intervention!


    1. Girl! I know the feeling. I don’t have the answers but I’ll tell you what I’ve done every single time I felt the beginning phases of overwhelmed or burnout. I asked God to show me what He needed me to do TODAY. Like right now. What is most important in this moment? I think my brain gets so focused on my laundry list and the big goals and all these things I need for the big goal. So God screams STOP. Every time I think of something, He asks me to give it to Him. Every. Single. Item. Worried about kids? Give it to me. Worried about IG? Give it to me. Blog engagement? Give it to me. Doubt? Give it to me. Discouraged? Give it to me. Tired? Give it to me. Facebook? Give it to me. Pinterest? Give it to me. Blog comments? Give it to me. IG comments? Give it to me. Teaching? Give it to me. Emails? Give it to me. Money? Give it to me. Anything that came in my mind to do, I sat it at His feet. Then I sit there with Him, and do the next thing. Only the next thing. Period.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Blessed by this post!! I think God knows exactly what we need to hear from someone just to spur us on sometimes. I recently received a note from one of my students (I teach in a dental hygiene program) that said because of me she is reading The Word more, spending more time in prayer, and has gotten closer to God! WOW!! I needed that encouragement and it also reminded me that God IS with us and can use us, even when we don’t feel like we are doing anything for Him. I love reading your blog and because of that I have nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award. You don’t have to participate, but here’s the link in case you do. Thank you for your posts and keep writing to inspire and encourage!! God Bless you!!


  13. I’m much more like Martha in my personality, Brittany. But I do know the secret to refreshing my soul and renewing my spirit–to spend time at Jesus’ feet like Mary did. I do that every day and cannot bear a day without that time now that it is my default. Thanks for sharing about such an important topic, especially for young moms! I’ll be pinning!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Beth. l can feel when I have spent to much time doing and not enough time being. Just sitting with Jesus is so refreshing. In the devotion I am reading, one of them started out saying, today is going to be a challenging day so I am going to need 3 hours alone with Jesus. It really stuck with me. The more stressed we feel, the more time we need in communion with Him.


  14. I love this post! And I so get it. I’ve been there and when you are burnt out all you can do is rest in Him and literally rest. Praying God continues to restore you in this tough season and that you don’t forget to BREATHE! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Yes Lord! This blessed my soul, Brittany. Your words are so powerful and on point. I’m learning to hear that “Get somewhere and sit down” voice from God. The world doesn’t need me to be superwoman or to do all the things. I need to work on having healthy and realistic expectations of myself. Thank you for this beautiful post!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. You’re so right! I try to keep in mind Ecclesiastes 4:6 which says, “Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind.” Wise King Solomon knew what he was talking about. Sometimes I feel like I want to quit, but if I take a nap and take some time for myself, I’m rejuvenated and more motivated to continue. Thank you for reminding me of this.


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